Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Human Relations : Part #2

A very quiet, or "self - sufficient" employee may have human relations problems. Their silence may be interpreted as aloofness, indifference, or even hostility!
Lest we forget, human relations is of more, and greater importance today, than it was a few decades ago. Why?
  • In years past, more employees worked alone, and therefore did not have to concern themselves with the inter - personal relationship(s)...
  • Today, more employees work in "service" occupations...
  • Higher productivity amongst employees is pertinent to improved profits, and an increase in the good standards of living.
The relationship of attitude, and personality in human beings (people) are greatly important.
A person's personality is the total sum of physical, and mental character.
A person's good / bad attitude gives the person an image.
A person with a good (positive) attitude makes that person attractive!
Is it necessary for a person to change their personality to be better in human relations?
No! A person does not have to change their personality to be better in relating to humans. However, a person can change many of their habits, attitudes, and behaviors @ the workplace, working with their fellow employees. A person can grow their current personality to become more, and greater effective in human relations at your workplace!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Human Relations : Part #1

     The first level of human relations can be described as being sociable, courteous, and adaptable.
Avoiding trouble(s) with fellow workers, and following rules of simple etiquette (correct behavior amongst people in the profession, at the working place etc...).
The second level of human relations can be described as being "multi - faceted". You must have emotional intelligence to build, and maintain relationships in many directions, with many types of people in "good", and "bad" working environments.
In the workplace, good human relations is nearly as important as being productive for an individual to enjoy their career successes. The job(s) must get done - the best job(s) you are able to do, and you must also be able to "get along" with all the people involved in the works too!
It is saddening, and unfortunate that an employee does have very high personal productivity, but still does not make his, or her best contribution to the workforce. An employee with poor human relations skills can hurt the efficiency of the entire workforce, even though his / her personal productivity is very high, because productivity is not only what you do yourself, it is also the influence (good, or bad), you have on the other(s).
"Good" people will do a better job.
"Bad" people will be less productive.
Our value is measured not only by the actual work(s) we do, but also by the contributions we make at the workplace as a whole!
It is impossible for any employee to escape human relations entirely, because getting the work(s) done is only "one side of the coin!".
An employee cannot "become" without learning how to work efficiently, and effectively with people.
An employee should do every, and anything they can to build strong, friendly, and honest working relationships with all the people they work with, for an absolute "yes!".