Thursday, October 17, 2013

Human Relations : Part # 16 - Do you hear well?

Do you hear well?

According to my Canadian Students' Dictionary, to hear means to listen to attentively.

A failure to listen may cost your organization to lose monies. 
Two examples of how are : 

  • A draftsman who doesn't hear the architect tell him to make an important change in the blueprints may cause the loss of thousands of dollars, because the specifications are incorrect.
  • A salesperson who fails to hear the message from the client about keeping an important delivery date, and as the result misses the date, may lose not only the sale, but maybe one of your organization's most valuable clients too.
Employees should test whether or not they are good listeners at their workplace, by asking themselves these questions such as : 
  • Does my boss, or supervisor have to "fight" to get my attention?
  • Do I find myself thinking overtly about something else in the moment my boss, or supervisor begins verbally instructing me?
  • Do I feel that my boss, or supervisor insults me by constantly repeating the message / instructions ?
  • Do I always find that I must go back to ask my boss, or supervisor to repeat their messages / instructions?
  • Do I always feel confused about the messages / instructions given to me from my boss, or supervisor to do the job?
If an employee can definitely answer "no" to all of these questions, she / he is a good listener!
If not, she / he should strive harder to improve their listening skills.