Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Human Relations : Part # 14 - Be a champion!

Ten tips a new employee may follow to ensure they are successful on their new job.

  • Balance home, and career life
  • Use a calendar, or notebook to help keep you organized for your new job
  • Ask good questions about working your new job e. g. if you don't understand a certain workplace procedure, continue asking the questions until you do
  • Use your best judgement(s), especially when you're being asked to work extra hours, and in taking your breaks too. Being zealous is good, but being overtly zealous will get you into troubles!
  • Do not ostentatiously show your education(s), or previous job - working experience(s)
  • Make good friends @ your workplace, but beware of making them too early!
  • Work your job energetically!
  • Be mindful of your personal appearance, hygiene, and your organization's standards
  • Carefully read your employee handbook et cetera
  • Always strive to communicate in your good attitude when you are communicating with your co - workers, and the customers. Saying "good morning", "please", "thank - you", "I'm sorry" are examples of good (positive) verbal communication. A friendly smile, gently shaking a hand, gesturing positively with your hand, or head are examples of good non - verbal communication.
Be a champion! Humanly relating with a good attitude is very important for your successes on your job, and @ your workplace!
