Each employee at your workplace has a current level of individual productivity that mainly remains constant throughout the course of his / her employment term. Although, it does often fluctuate eventually greater, or lesser, due to these five primary causes that make - up an employee's individual productivity level.
- Mental ability - An increase, or decrease of an employee's I. Q. (Intelligence Quotient).
- Stamina, and endurance - An increase, or decrease of an employee's ability to endure physical / moral strains, disease, fatigue, and personal hardships.
- Manual dexterity - An increase, or decrease of an employee's manipulative skills i . e. The ability to operate, or manage by skillt use of their hands.
- Creativity - An increase, or decrease of an employee's ability to be innovative i. e. To begin, or introduce something new / make any necessary changes at the workplace.
- Motivation - The employee's "inner - drive" that spurs them to take good action(s) at the workplace.
The difference between an employee's current individual productivity level, and their future potential individual productivity level is what they call the Productivity gap - How much an employee currently produces, and how much an employee is able to truly produce.
If an employee's productivity gap is small, the employee is working the job near to their future potential individual productivity level.
If an employee's productivity gap is large, something is wrong. The employee may need additional training, a special incentive, a change in job duties, or perhaps counseling for personal hardships.
The group productivity gap is the difference between a group's current level of productivity, and their future potential level of productivity. A group is a branch, division, or department @ your workplace!
The best way for a supervisor, boss, manager, shift leader etc. to make the group productivity gap smaller is to make each employee's individual productivity gap smaller.
The primary responsibility of the group's leader is to help each employee achieve their maximum productivity, thus the group's productivity will improve, and be better for the business as well!