Thursday, January 22, 2015

What is right? What is wrong?

Ethics are the standards of moral behaviours, that is, behaviours that are accepted by society as right versus wrong.
Many people today, including myself I suppose, have few moral absolutes.
Many people today decide situationally whether it is okay to steal, lie, and/or drink and drive.
Many people seem to think that what is right is whatever works "best" for themselves. This type of nonchalant thinking has led to numerous scandals in government, and business. 
In countries like Canada & the USA, with many diverse cultures, it may initially seem impossible to identify common standards of ethical behaviours. However, there is hope!
The Holy Bible, Aristotle's Ethics, William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, The Koran, the Analects of Confucious, and The Book of Mormon - you'll find these basic moral values:
integrity, respect for human lives, self-control, honesty, and self-sacrificing are right; cheating, cowardice, and cruelty are wrong.
Furthermore, all of the world's major religions support a version of the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Remember! Ethical behaviours begin with you & me.  
We, as a society cannot expect people to become more moral, and ethical unless we as individuals commit to becoming more moral, and ethical ourselves.
Ethical behaviours should be shown throughout our daily lives, not only in our business/work environment(s).
                                                                                        - with excerpts from the textbook:
                                                                                        Understanding Canadian Business 5th Edition