Monday, December 15, 2014

Why you need to be more flexible?

The biggest weaknesses that could be keeping you from getting promoted.

Employee turnover, downsizing, an economy in "flux", and many other factors contribute to the ever-changing face of business.
While men & women might once have hoped to grow old with a company, today's workers are more inclined to switch jobs several times before they retire.
Companies routinely evolve to serve their customers, a learning process that will include some trial and error.
Companies should be willing to try new strategies as they adapt to the ever-changing markets.
Workers who are flexible, and able to adapt to adjustments in the workplace are amongst the most desirable employees.
What defines adaptability?
Adaptability varies depending on the profession, but taking the time to learn how to accommodate the needs of bosses, and other workers may be an excellent way for men/women to ensure their long-term successes.
Embrace change
Most professional environments are fluid, and employees who resist change may find that their employers will deem them "expendable".
Employees must recognize that change is a part of the business world, and that they must "go with the flow" to maintain their good standing with the employer.
Look for benefits
A willingness to be flexible will benefit employees just as much as it benefits employers.
A flexible schedule, or the ability to telecommute will present new opportunities that may make your life simpler.
Keep lines of communication open
Many men/women enjoy working for companies that try new things.
Keep lines of communication open with supervisors to ensure that your ideas are heard, and also encourage your subordinates to offer their ideas too!
Don't equate flexibility with being a push-over
Flexibility shouldn't go as far that an employee feels like they are being taken advantage of.
As companies change, the process is best if it involves "give and take" on the part of employees, and their employers.
                                                                                      - Metro Creative