Monday, August 18, 2014

Network like a boss!

According to THE CANADIAN OXFORD DICTIONARY, a network is a group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes.

So, when you schmooze, you win!
These are five "tips" to network like a boss!

  • Mix it up
Avoid relying on just only one method for networking.
Use a blend of on-line and in-person methods & approaches.
Always carry your business cards, and always have a short speech ready to introduce yourself because you may meet a new person on any given day. 
  • Be reasonable
When, or if you ask for help be honest about what you need.
Try not to get yourself discouraged because some people aren't able to give you the proper help you desire.
  • Be constant
Always network, not only when you are desperate for help.
Also, periodically visit / call your people to see how they are, and to give an update about any good changes in your life.
  • A.C.T. quickly!
Acknowledge, Communicate, and Take action quickly!
Always follow-up with the people you've met soon after the event while the connection is still "fresh".
Promptly respond to any requests that come to you from your network.
  • Give thanks, and praise too!
Always show, and give appreciation to your people for any help they've provided to you.
Always return their favours with favours.