Sunday, March 23, 2014

The ten most unhelpful thinking styles.

1 . All of nothing thinking : Sometimes called "black & white thinking".

  • If I'm not perfect, I have failed
  • Either I do it right, or not at all
2 . Mental filter : Only paying attention to certain types of evidence.

  • Noticing our failures, but not seeing our successes
3 . Jumping to conclusions : There are two key types of jumping to conclusions -

  • Mind reading (imagining we know what others are thinking)
  • Fortune telling (predicting the future)
4 . Emotional reasoning : Assuming that because we feel a certain way, what we think must be true.

  • I feel embarrassed, so I must be an idiot
5 . Labeling : Assigning labels to ourselves, or other people.

  • I'm a loser
  • I'm absolutely useless
  • They are such idiots
6 . Over-generalizing : Accepting a definite pattern based upon a single event, or being overtly "broad" in the conclusions we draw.

  • everything I do is always rubbish
  • nothing good ever happens to me
7 . Disqualifying the good (positive) : Disqualifying the good things that are happening, or the good things that you have done in your past.

  • That doesn't count anymore
8 . Magnification (catastrophicizing & minimizing) : Blowing things out of proportion (catastrophicizing), or inappropriately shrinking things to make them seem less important (minimizing).

9 . Using critical words : Using critical words like "should", "must", or "ought" may make us feel guilty, or that we have already failed. e . g. When we apply "shoulds" to other people, the result is often frustration

10 . Personalizing : Blaming yourself. Taking the responsibility for something that wasn't completely your fault.
Also, blaming other people for something that was your fault.