These are three suggestions for improving the way in which you can build good relations with all of your co - workers, especially those from cultures other than your own!
- You take the initiatives (first steps) to build equally good relations with all of your co - workers.
Get to be a good co - worker to know.
- Give those from differing cultures other than your own the opportunities to perform their "special" talents, and abilities to you.
- Apply the Mutual Reward Theory (M.R.T) which is a relationship of two co - workers / people that is positively enhanced when there is a satisfactory balance of rewards between them.
Differences, and prejudices are lessened when two people from differing world cultures continuously strive to build strong working relations between themselves.
If, and when the performance(s) are judged fairly - good, and mutually rewarding relations between yourself, and the new co - worker from the differing world culture could exist.
Given the opportunity to work closely with him / her, the greater your personal growth could also be.
People from other world cultures outside of Canada, and the U.S.A. do have difficulties in adjusting to a diverse work team. Language(s) is sometimes the number one barrier.
Yes. When a new employee becomes a new member of a work team, adjustments must be made by all members of the team to make english the predominant language in the team, especially if the work team is already heavily diverse.
By making english the predominant language in the team, the work team's challenge would be made that much easier.
But, sometimes the language(s) is not the number one barrier.
There are also cultural attitudes, and perspectives either good, or bad of those from other world cultures, which may create some sort of biases in the work team.
Many people have negative views, and ideas of other world cultures, and have never had the opportunities to work closely with a person from an other world culture.
Simply an idea of the relative unimportance of an employee in the work team could be the number one barrier for the work team to adjust to be greatly productive.
The benefits of culturally diverse work teams should be good, and enjoyable for everyone!