Sunday, July 21, 2013

Human Relations : Part # 12

Make repairs quickly!

The three disadvantages to leaving a damaged relationship damaged.

  1. Constructive "mind - time" will be lost - Preoccupying yourself with a relationship left damaged is not good! Living daily with an unhealthy, damaged relationship, especially with a manager, will cause a reprocessing of the conflict over, and over, thus stealing "mind - time" from your best pursuits.
  2. An already distressing situation will be compounded - Emotional conflicts at your workplace will be more distressing than long hours, and heavy job demands. Also, emotional distress at your workplace will make the other areas of your life more difficult.
  3. Your chances of becoming a victim may increase - In some workplaces, a damaged relationship left unattended may make you the victim!
     The direct approach is the most effective way to rebuild a damaged relationship!
I like this relationship rebuilding strategy the best because it makes the individual(s) involved responsible for accepting their share of the blame for the conflict, mindless of which party made the human relating error.

Openly communicating at your workplace is essential for good relationship restoration.
An open mind will yield better results!